
Australia Before Cook Theory

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Many people believe that Australia was discovered in 1788 by the British, or was it? There are multiple theories that not only were the British not the first people to discover Australia, but that they may have landed in Australia many years prior to Captain Cook's voyages. This essay will discuss the various theories of countries visiting Australia before the British, British arrival before Cook, and then my opinion of the validity of these theories. When reading this essay it is important to note that most of these theories cannot be proven 100%, so it is important that nothing written should be taken as the entire truth as all evidence is only put forward by historians.
While Australia was first settled by the British, that does not mean that no other countries were here prior, much like America and the Vikings who discovered it before Columbus. One country that could have possibly beaten Cook by many decades is Admiral …show more content…

It is believed by many that by about 50,000 years ago humans had reached Papua New Guinea and surrounding areas, but had no way to make it across the 90 kilometre stretch of sea. They were still in the Stone Age by the time they reached the water which separated Australia and Papua New Guinea, so they didn't have the mental capacity to build a boat which would be capable of sailing across the water.
Many historians agree that humans arrived in Australia by complete accident. They could have floated here on pieces of debris after a major flood or tsunami. It is most likely that they landed in the north, most likely in the Northern Territory. Some historians believe that this could have been just one pregnant female who began the entire aboriginal race. Some historians even believe that the aboriginals may be a mix of Chinese and Indonesian humans who both ended up in Australian and then

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