
Australia and Indigenous People

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“From the surface one may look upon Australia as being the ‘lucky county’ however when explored deeper Kayleigh Richmond came to the conclusion that this so called ‘lucky country’ isn’t all that ‘lucky’ for marginalized groups in Australia, the literature of these marginalized groups in Australia certainly substantiates this point”.

Many sources of literature suggest that Australia is not considered the lucky country for migrants, indigenous and other marginalized groups of people living in Australian society. Privileged Australians would say that Australia is the ‘lucky country’ and for them it may be but it certainty isn’t for everyone. So, what makes Australia appear to be the unlucky country for marginalized groups in Australia? Is …show more content…

She said “I was back, I was a servant”, this quote shows evidently how she viewed herself due to the Europeans treating her like that and making her feel like that.

The new edition of My Place by Sally Morgan called Arthur Corunna's Story has been adapted for younger readers. Arthur Corunna's comment on his own story could well stand as a comment on the larger book: ‘It's important, because then maybe they'll understand how hard it's been for the blackfella to live the way he wants’ (Thomas, 1988). Imtinan, a 16-year-old child was quoted saying, “Here [Australia] we cannot find solutions for our situation, because whenever we come up with something, some people will say ‘forbidden,’ others will say ‘this cannot be done.’ In other words, we cannot do anything” (NRC, 2013).

Australia evidently is not the ‘lucky country’ for the vast majority of people living there. Australia has potential to be the ‘lucky country’ for everyone living there but we choose to not embrace their cultural values and attitudes that these marginalized groups contribute to the ‘lucky country’. These marginalized citizens have been sidelined on the terms of development and social amenities and have been are vulnerable to social injustices and human discomforts, hence making these groups disadvantaged in most aspects of life. So, once again, is Australia the lucky country? Well maybe not for all.

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