
Authority And Authority

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A society is rooted in and cannot last without a form of authority. Authority is seen as a necessary figure, be it subtle or overpowering. Nations, cities, and people all follow a higher authority that typically strives to provide leadership and rules, and without this, social order would not remain intact. Obedience to authority is a topic that is very open ended, leaving many to question what the effects of authority are, if people always have the inclination to obey the authority figure, and what the effects of obedience and disobedience are and how they relate. We see examples of authority everywhere. The Bible, wars, and modern society all have countless instances of both good and bad leaders and authority figures. Nicole Biggart and Gary Hamilton talk about how for authority to be effective, it must institute its power in a way that already copes with the standing beliefs of the people it has authority over. In doing so, the authority figure must make it apparent that what they are administering is morally acceptable and a requirement for their people. We see a prominent example of this with Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party. He takes absurd laws, makes them seem okay, and his country follows their leader. "Theorists have recognized that personal power in organizations is both a matter of structure, having a position of authority, and individual skill in understanding and manipulating organizational processes" (Biggart, Hamilton). This means that the authority figure

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