
Autism Spectrum Disorder And The Center For Disease Control And Prevention

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According to recent data from the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, it is estimated that 1 in 68 children in the United States are afflicted with an autism spectrum disorder, spanning all income classes and ethnicity and the majority of them are male. In the past educational needs were met with Special-Education teachers providing one on one instruction with specialized techniques. Autism affects the senses in terms of over-reactors and under-reactors of the senses. What this equates to is that the processing of senses, touch, taste, smelling, and feeling is distorted (Magnusen, 2005, p. 1).
Technology has broadened and improved upon educational institutions in both normal and special education areas. There are a number of methods that can be utilized by assisting educators to instruct autistic children in order to help them thrive as they progress through their academic lives. Numerous studies have shown the benefits of technology that allows autistic spectrum disorder may be educated into adulthood to find meaningful jobs and possibly attend college and achieve a bachelor’s degree. Many autistic spectrum students find improvement on socialization is more copasetic when using technology, they are more comfortable utilizing methods such as text, being online, using games, videos, music, and digital learning applications. There is also the use of robotic rehabilitation to help instruct autistic spectrum students that have achieved successful results. Technology

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