
B. S. O. Dual Admission Program Analysis

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Somewhere along the line of 3,000 years of medicine, the field lost its way. What started out as a deeply empathetic, philosophical, and almost religious practice has evolved into a system of bureaucracy and rushed appointments. The field of medicine is slowly becoming impersonal with mountains of paperwork replacing genuine human interaction. We must reflect.
Many institutions can provide a plethora of resources, exposure to various hospitals, and time with medical professionals. After all, these institutions are designed explicitly to create doctors of an acceptable caliber. Few institutions, however, seek to develop the healer in the doctor. Though medicine is a highly technical field with new procedures and medicine to be studied, it is a viscerally humane exercise. At the end of the day, medical professionals, especially D.O.s, must deal with the patient’s mind, body, and soul, together. This certainly cannot be done with a sterilized, objective mindset. …show more content…

Dual Admission Program with IIT and Midwestern University represents is an opportunity to develop holistically. With IIT’s 10 principles and commitment to ‘building community and fostering diversity’, I will have the opportunity to learn from peers from incredible backgrounds, experiences, and views. These lessons will serve to mature my outlook on society and the complex problems which ail it. This exposure is also golden from a medical standpoint. As an aspiring D.O., I will be exposed to patients of various backgrounds and will use my training to pinpoint and explore the effects of various socioeconomic factors on lifestyles and health outcomes. By living and learning in such a diverse, tight-knit community, I will have the rare opportunity to enrich my mindset in the first four years

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