
Babauta's How To Use Reading To Become A Better Writer

Decent Essays

In Leo Babauta’s article How to Use Reading to Become a Better Writer (2008), he suggests that to become a better writer, one must first become a better reader. Babauta uses personal anecdote, speculation on what other authors use, and interspersed quotes about reading to support his claims. He shares his check list on using reading to improve his reader’s writing in order to give advice to future writers. He informally addresses his readers, who are intended to be writers themselves (possibly college students, but more probably authors and other creative writers). Personally, I agree with his belief that in order to become a better writer, you must first be a reader. As an avid reader myself with a dream and passion to write, I believe that …show more content…

In the subsection of his article he states “read great writers…writers who can teach you something” (2). Babauta is saying in his quotation that through reading authors both great in the literary world and in one’s own personal opinion, writing ability can be strengthened. Another tip on Babauta’s list relates to going over a literary work with a magnifying glass and looking for the little things. “Pay attention to what they do with words,” he says, “a good writer pays close attention to words, the effects they create, how they mix together with other words, twists and turns of meaning” (3). By stringing together the right set of words, an author can conceivably piece together a good literary work themselves, at least in Babauta’s opinion. Overall his article gives helpful, personal advice to those who want to write. By “enjoying…analyzing and experimenting [with your reading]” one who wishes to become a writer can succeed. This point is made clear throughout the article as Babauta encourages his readers to take up reading in order to garner a more holistic writing

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