
Baby Doe Law Essay

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On the other hand, with the baby girl’s case, the mother ultimately chose assisted suicide as she wished to stop nourishment and refused permission for surgery. The issue here violates the Baby Doe Law, which regardless of the parents’ wishes, sets specific guidelines for treatment of disabled newborns. Since the baby is not competent due to her age, the issue of informed consent is hard to deal with. This also deals with the issue of deciding for others because the mother must give informed consent and decide based off the well-being of her baby. This is another case of vulnerable population because the patient is a ten-month-old baby, and disabled as well. This means the child must not be neglected and be properly spoken for because she cannot speak for herself. Both cases have issues that overlap with each other and need to be broken down more to be understood properly. …show more content…

They have a duty and a legal responsibility to give the whole truth, receive informed consent, and be bound by primary duty. Each patient has the right to exercise control over his or her own body. The need to receive all the information available is extremely important to be fully informed of their current state and know all the options they have, this way they are able to be in agreement with their physician and give them the proper permission for what they are asking of them. The only way for this to happen is to have the patient be fully informed by having the physician give the whole truth. The physician is an expert and needs to be able to explain all the information to the patient since the patient is in an inferior position than the physician. The patient relies on them to give them the whole truth and provide alternative courses of action in a neutral fashion. The physician is also bound by primary duty to the patient which means that they cannot put anyone else’s good over the good of their

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