
Baby Names Controversy

Decent Essays

Names can suggest family origins, social status, racial and ethnic identities, and even religious beliefs.

People subconsciously make judgement about others based on their names. As a result, it is very difficult to pinpoint exactly why one name is viewed as preferable to another. One theory is that the likeability of a name is directly correlated with how assimilated it is within a society. According to Adam Alter of New York University and co-author of a Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, this is due to the human brain’s tendency to favor information that is easily interpreted. Consequently, if a person has to go outside his or her comfort zone to try and pronounce a name, that person may be construed as less likeable than.

While there is no “right” name or “wrong” name, there are most certainly names that have more controversy behind them. For instance, names that provoke racist and unidealistic thoughts …show more content…

Consequently, an easier name may be a reason that baby names such as Emma, Liam, or Ava are so popular.

Both America and a majority of the football teams in “Washington, Yay! Redskins, Boo!” share a similar naming pattern: symbolism. The name America was derived from the explorer Amerigo Vespucci, the alleged first person to discover the continent. Furthermore, each of Nasif's proclaimed teams with "...outstanding names..." had the same symbolism and representation behind its name.

Those named more feminine names could be construed as more feminine than those with manly names. As a result, esepcially during the childhood years, people's confidence and self-image can be altered both in a positive and negative way. Regarding race, those who have names that are considered as stereotypical minority names may be subject to both concious and subconsious

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