
Perfect Baby Name

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Choosing the Perfect Baby Name

Selecting a popular name for your baby.

There is an easy way to determine if a name has staying power, simply review the top 100 names by year using this site. We list the top 100 baby names for the past 125 years, by year. While choosing a very popular name today can be fun, it may mean your son or daughter will be one of many in their classes growing up.

You can ask friends and family which name they like best once you find a few different names. You can also compare your list to the top 100 baby names by decade or the most popular names of a specific year - maybe you want a popular baby name or maybe you prefer a unique name. Eventually, you will find the perfect baby name, and it will instill you with a …show more content…

I love the name - but others do not.

Some families have a tradition in passing down names from generation to generation. Some religions don't allow babies to be named after living family members.

Chances are, you and your partner, your family, and others will all have a different name in mind. While the decision ultimately comes down to the parent(s), keep your mind open to suggestions. Not only will this help in selecting the best name for your baby, but it will make your life easier along the way.

I like one baby name - my partner likes a different …show more content…

You may need to choose a new one (or try talking with them)if the person is going to move forward with the name. Or you can find the meaning of the name, and see if a different name with the same meaning is appealing to you.

Two points on this.

We had a dog name Jordan (after Michael Jordan), and I've met many other people named Jordan. It is inevitable that someone somewhere named a dog, cat, fish or rabbit the same name you are considering for your baby.

You will always be able to find someone that isn't crazy about the name you've chosen for your baby. If that doesn't work, tell them thanks for sharing their opinion with you, and name your baby what you wanted to anyway.

For you parents that have yet to choose a name for your baby - you should learn from this lesson. You may want to keep you favorite names secret - or only share with people that 1) aren't going to have kids anytime soon or 2) you can definitely trust. Unique and/or well-liked names can become very popular, very quickly.

If the opinions of these people mean something to you, it is up to you and your partner whether or not you let other people's opinions change your mind. See 'Selecting a Name'.

Select multiple names for your baby.

I have a friend/family member who is considering the name I wanted for my

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