
Baby Strollers Study Guide

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1. Consider weight. Baby strollers should be lightweight. Light strollers can be easily brought around. It is easier to use when traveling, going to the mall, or even plain strolling. A good stroller should be more or less 20 pounds.

2. Consider space. The baby stroller has to be compact. It should be easy to put away inside the car trunk. If it can be stashed using one hand, then it is convenient all the more. With a baby around, mothers almost always have only one good hand to use.

3. Consider sturdiness and durability. This is a very important factor. The stroller should be able to support the baby and his sudden movements. If it is not sturdy enough, it is not worth it. The baby stroller should always be able to maintain balance.

4. Consider adaptability. Babies will …show more content…

Consider room and carrying options. The baby inside the stroller should not be cramped in. Plus, there should be some attachments like baskets and trays for his toys, feeding bottle, food, and other needs.

7. Consider the price. Although everyone will agree that in buying baby strollers, price should not be selected over value. But it is still something to consider. There are a lot of companies that do not hold back on features and still offer merchandise it for less. Be on the look out for these brands.

8. Consider style. Babies are cute, cuddly presents given to parents. That's why they should always look at their best. Even with their strollers. Choose the stroller with styles and designs fitting your baby.

9. Consider add-in features. Manufacturers would always throw in something to give customers a better deal than others. Check out what the baby stroller package contains. Usually, a baby stroller should have a sunshade, a snack tray, a reclining seat, a parent's tray, a storage basket, a big sturdy frame, a cup holder, and a carry strap. Other manufacturers can add in a car seat attachment strap, a stroller storage bag, an adjustable handle, bottle pockets, and parent's gear

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