
Bacon : Why Humans Are Far From Perfect Essay

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Bacon: Why Humans are Far from Perfect

The 17th century English philosopher, Francis Bacon, helped revolutionize the scientific community with the inductive and eliminative methods based on skepticism, but these were far from his only influential scientific contributions. In one his most influential works, “Novum Organum,” Bacon poses the idea of the "The Four Idols.” “Idols" as Bacon defines them, refer to an illusion, rather than a hero or idol in the sense of a role model. These banes of human existence and scientific progress are called idols because in a state of society in which we incessantly search for accomplishment, knowledge, and the truth, Bacon’s idols exist to complicate people’s judgment in distinguishing what is a truth and what is a falsehood, particularly when society has accomplished greater advancement as mankind grows and pushes forward. In his theory, Bacon cites four distinct causes, or "idols" which deter humans from making significant scientific progress on their natural environment. Bacon’s four idols, which I believe still very much apply to this day are the idols of the tribe, cave, marketplace and theater. Initially I did not understand how these idols applied to mankind, but after much thought, I now recognize how each idol relates to the scientific advancement process as well as the human race.

The first of Bacon’s idols: The Idols of the Tribe, identify the shortcomings within human nature referring to the idea that the issues man deals

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