
Bad Blood Study

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In the video, researchers that conducted the study were people from the public health service. Also I would also go as far as saying the US government along the lines of guilty by association. This documentary stated many times the underlying motivation of this study and very clearly showed racism as the gas pedal. African Americans were the target participants in this study, they were discriminated against and said to have “bad blood”. A women who helped in these studies and spoke in the video stated that “the bad blood these people were interested in was syphilitic blood but in general in that day and age bad blood could have meant a number of different things.” Bad blood could have meant anything from anemia to fatigue.
In actuality there was only one stated purpose for this study and that was to study “the effects of untreated syphilis in African Americans.” Although the stated purpose the nearly 600 participants heard was that this study was a cure for “bad blood.” Not only were participants in this study African American but they were also mostly poor, illiterate farmers in Alabama. The ideal test group for researchers that didn’t want/need many questions arising.
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They were thought to have been getting rounds of penicillin, the most effective form of treatment at the time. What they were actually receiving was a lot of times aspirin or other forms of pointless medication. Even though this study was not showing promising results the benefits were too good in the eyes of these men to pass up. Participants were promised not only free treatment but also insurance that their burial would be paid for and their families would not have to pay. Survivors insurance they called

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