
Bad Girl Film Analysis

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The American Cinema of the 1950s can be noted for its various portrayals of masculinity and dominating consumer culture geared toward male gender. Arguably hidden behind punks and gangsters was a class of defiant girls who subverted the gender ideals of the time and are evidenced through a series of “Bad Girl” films. The bad girl film cycle is one of the latter trends of the ‘50s Social Problem film and an examination of this cycle will provide theoretical speculation regarding its influence on the rise of the Second Wave Feminist Movement.
In order to examine the potential influence of these films and the topicality of bad girl representation during the 1950s scare of juvenile delinquency, the following lines of inquiry will be explored:
1. An examination of the evolution of female representation in various film genres of the 1950s highlighting the commonly subservient role of female characters and the gender roles perpetuated through texts of this decade.
2. Next, I will reiterate the “Social Problem” film and the scare of juvenile delinquency during the 1950s. I will introduce the bad girl film genre in more detail, expanding the tropes/motifs of this cycle, and demonstrates how this genre can be subcategorized as a social problem film.
3. In order to understand the contention surrounding the bad girl films and its context in 1950s society, I will discuss the American Dream ideology of the time, primarily through its portrayal on television. We can note the struggle

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