
Bad Pride Research Paper

Decent Essays

Could too much pride be a bad thing or is pride a good thing? Pride is taking pleasure from the person’s own achievements. I say pride could go both ways. Let’s say you are playing a baseball game and you make a good play, you would have a rush of self accomplishment that makes you feel good because people are congratulating that play. Pride could also make people do something to make sure their pride is still there, but I believe that pride is a good thing.

People will be proud of many things such as: owning a home or graduating college because they knew it was going to be hard but they persevered. Although pride could be a good thing, there are also many definitions of pride as it states in article 1, John Amodeo Ph.D., MFT “Why Pride Is Nothing to Be Proud Of”, “A feeling that you are more important or better than other people and inordinate self-esteem.” So many people will be so prideful that they won’t ask for help or admit that they were wrong. Pride could have a huge ego inflation that causes overconfidence and arrogance. They could be so full of themselves that it will be hard to admit you were wrong because they were so desired to be right. …show more content…

Affirming our human dignity and allowing others their dignity, we become more available to relish our lives and enjoy connecting with others as equals. Pride is a burden we don’t need.” When it said pride is a burden it is saying that without pride we would connect with people and we all would work better as a

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