
Balanced Equation Lab Report

Satisfactory Essays

First we have to find the Balanced Equation: Fe2O3 + 3CO yields 2Fe + 3CO2

Then you would need to find your number of moles for Fe, which is 0.07890
Then you would need to find your number of moles for CO, which is 0.34451
So that also helps us because it tells us that 1 singluar mole Fe behaves with 3 mole CO.
0.07890^3 mole of Fe which gives us a total of 0.2367 mole
1 singular mole of Fe behaves with 2 mole of Iron, you would then do 0.07890^2 to get: 0.1578 mol of Iron.
Then you would take 55.845 (iron's singular mole) and multiply it by the 0.1578 and that would be the theoretical yield which is 8.812341
Your percent yield would be: 0.82044415

The balanced equation I came up with is 3CaCO3 + 2Li3N yields 3Li2CO3 + Ca3N2 as my answer. …show more content…

First you want to balance the equation to: PCI5 + 4H2O yields H3PO4 + 5HCI

Then you would take 208 g of PCI5 which give you 5 mole of HCI and 75.5 g of PCI5 give you 5 times 75.5 divided by 208, which gives you a final answer of: 1.8149

First you want to find your balanced equation, which is going to be: 2C6H6 + 15O2 yields 12CO2 + 6H2O.
Then you find the mole of C6H6 which is going to be 78.1.
Then you find the mole of Carbon from one singular C6H6, which is going to be

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