
Band Aid Chicken

Decent Essays

Book Review: Band Aid Chicken The Band Aid Chicken story takes place in a farmyard. It is based on the social pecking order of chicken. The pecking order is a social chain of command created is a means of achieving and maintaining a line of dominance. Stronger members of a group are tiered at the top of the pecking order, while more passive or physically weaker birds are placed lower in the order. In the story the Band Aid Chicken, a new chicken joins the farmyard enthusiastic to make new friends. She quickly learns that to be accepted she must withstand a painful initiation of a collective pecking. Seeing that the chicken was injured, the farmer places a band aid on the chickens head to cover the injury. However, the pain was just covered up and the chicken felt distressed and unhappy. The next day, when a new chicken arrives, Band Aid Chicken remembers the discomfort and upset she felt. As a result, the chicken has to make a decision to join the pecking or to refuse to participate in the ritual and stand up in defense of the newest addition to the farm yard. Band Aid Chicken decides to speak up against the bullying and shouts to stop the pecking. The Band Aid Chicken demonstrates it is not necessary to do what others want, just to be accepted. As a result, the hierarchy of the pecking order was dissolved and the …show more content…

Empathy for the future chicken going through the pecking process is clearly made reference to in the story. Band Aid Chicken remembers how it felt to be pecked and does not want to participate in the process. For that reason, Band aid Chicken stops the ritual of pecking by shouting “Stop bullying! Stand up for yourself and others.” Positivity and courage are exhibited additionally when she decided to do what was right instead of what everyone else was doing, subsequently changing the social

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