
Banning Marijuana Research Paper

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America says it is going green, but if this is true how can we outlaw a plant. The plant I speak of is marijuana. This plant has been around before man and will be here when it leaves. Some people have the belief that marijuana is a harmful drug with many adverse side effects, but the truth is marijuana has been shown to improve health in certain cases. Cannabis has been known to slow down cancer cell production, delay muscle spasms, and relieve nausea in chemotherapy patients. Aside from medical purposes marijuana can possibly help stabilize the falling economy. The fact is America is in need of an economic up rise. The medicinal marijuana business brings in an estimated fourteen billion dollars in California alone. Imagine how much the country …show more content…

The high you get from cannabis is a peaceful, relaxing, and dazed feeling. It is not a violent up beat impulse high. Weed mellows you, and makes you think about life in different ways. There is no proof that weed is a gateway drug that leads to others. The reason we believe this is because politics and corporate companies want you to consume their products. Tobacco has over four thousand chemicals in just one cigarette. Weed has only one chemical tetra-hydro-cannabinol. This is what gives you a euphoric feeling. It poses no threat to humans, but it does make you a bit sluggish. It has the same effects of alcohol but less harmful to your body. There are many beliefs that marijuana is a gateway drug, but this is untrue. In fact marijuana has been proven to be a lifelong drug of choice. This means that people often never try another drug once they try marijuana. In accordance to a recent study weed has actually benefitted drug abusers. Heroin addicts who are going through withdrawals often have to smoke marijuana to ease their body due to the heroin that is affecting them. Over time people have slandered marijuana and mocked it, but we should just accept it for what it is. It is a plant. Not only is it a plant, it is one we can benefit from in more than one way. Whether it is a boost in economy, medicinal purposes, or just everyday use marijuana has room for legal expansion and profit. We can make a difference in the America we live in. we can change the way we look at weed, and the people who use it. Basil and oregano are all herbs why not are able to grow an herb and use the remains for a number of things. In transition, the points that have been displayed to should help the American people to decide the right choice to make. There are far more important issues to debate over, but the ongoing battle over whether marijuana should be legal has

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