
Banning of Greek Organizations at CCGA

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Greek organizations often play a role of boosting a college’s enrollment numbers, however roughly fifty-nine percent of greek organization members participate in illegal activities such as underage drinking (Caudill, BD et al 147). Another illegal activity that thirty-five percent of greek organization members participate in is the illicit use of psychostimulants (e.g. Adderall, Dexedrine and Ritalin) (Underhill & Langdon 8). A majority of the illegal activities participated in usually occur when potential members undergo hazing, a process that most greek organizations have adopted. All of the above activities have led to addiction, injuries, jail time and even death which are why fraternities and sororities should not come to the College of Coastal Georgia.
Hazing is essentially the way a greek organization educates its new members on their values and ideas, and is often conducted in secrecy in order to be able to continue the tradition. However, every greek member does not engage in hazing, only “thrity-six percent indicated that they had engaged in a behavior that would actually constitute as hazing” (Campo, Poulos and Sipple 143). Some of the behaviors that can be affiliated with hazing activities include: negative team building and initiating activites (e.g. carrying unnecessary items, required to remain silent, and verbal abuse), positive team building and initiating activities (e.g. community service, maintaining gpa, playing sports, and organizing fundraisers) and

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