Barack Obama once said, “The study of geography is about more than just memorizing places on a map. It’s about understanding the complexity of our world, appreciating the diversity of cultures that exists across continents. And in the end, it’s about using all that knowledge to help bridge divides and bring people together.” This quote explains that geography isn’t just about remembering places on a map it’s about recognizing how complex our world is. Barack states towards the end that it is also about bringing people together. Barack is basically saying that geography is not just looking at maps, it is appreciating the world. Geographers study the way humans affect the earth and the way the earth affects humans and the reasons that certain
Through reading How the States Got Their Shapes and Guns, Germs, and Steel I would define human geography as the study of how different factors such as culture, lifestyle, geography, and environment dictate where humans live and migrate. Both books are able to connect how the latter factors influence the pattern of human activity and movement.
Geography plays a large role in why people settled in areas that they did, why certain cities succeeded, and many other processes that made Earth the way it is today. Although many of us just think of geography as a class we had to take in grade school, it is much more than that. Geography has some responsibility for everything on the surface of the Earth, from your favorite fishing spot, to why New York is where it is today. Coming from a small town in northern Manitoba, Canada, you either learn to love or hate the prairies, there is no in-between. It is told that the prairies are flat and boring, but I see it very differently.
Human activity is influenced by two opposite forces, globalization and local diversity. Globalization is the trend of increasing interaction between different societies. Local diversity is the trend of a society focusing on local development and growth. Maps are used to display real world places, human interactions and physical data on a two-dimensional surface
Geography is the biggest part of a story. Every book, poem, short story, movie, play, and basically anything with a storyline has geography, it’s what makes a story good. Writers use geography to show readers a more indepth point of view of what they were thinking while writing. This is all stated in “Geography Matters” by Thomas C. Foster, he helps the readers realize how important geography is in their lives. In the Crucible by Arthur Miller, geography is a big impact on people's lives and actions. After reading these stories it makes the readers think how much the location and people they grew up with impacted them. Furthermore, geography is a big part in any story as shown through “Geography Matters,” The Crucible, and my own life.
This semester I learned that there are four different branches of human geography. First to define the different geographies: social, has to do with society and what that regions society values. An example of this would be school systems. Cultural geographies has to do with symbolic practices and shared sets of meaning, a simple example of this could be in Italy, most people are Roman Catholic, and share those values. Political, is the type of government that county has, for example North Korea is communist. Lastly, economic, is that countries economy, for example Greece, currently is in an economic crisis.
As an educated citizen there are many benefits of developing spatial mentality. For one, it greatly aids in understanding what is going on in the news. For example, in order to understand “The Separation Strategy in Iraq”, it is beneficial to first know where Iraq is. Secondly, to be able to not just understand where Iraq is, but to understand the longstanding tensions between the Sunnis and the Shiites aids greatly in having a full understanding of the issue at hand. In addition, people should have an idea of where their food comes from. For example, in the article “As It Woos Syngenta, Monsanto Mounts Campaign to Combat Critics”, Monsanto attempts to raise awareness of its presence in countries like Brazil and India. To a spatially uneducated reader, that does not sound impressive; but to a reader who grasps what that means, it is a smart business move. This is because Brazil and India are major agricultural exporters so for Monsanto to get a foot in the door with those countries could make the company billions. A final reason to gain good spatial mentality is to understand the migration patterns that people unknowingly witness everyday. So often people brush migration patterns off as chance, without realizing the deep history that often is the root of the patterns. For example, the article “Blending French and African Cultures” is about how women who have migrated from Africa, especially
Barack obama if famous for many things i'll explain some of the reason why. Barack Obama was the president for 8 years from 2009 to 2017. He’s famous for being one of the longest presidents running. In my opinion he was the most intelligent president we've ever had. Did you know that he has a nickname Barry? I picked Barack obama because he has been one of the best presidents of the United States of America. I also picked him because I wanted to know more about Barry.
Geography is an important factor to consider when you look at this worlds past, present, or future. So whether it be the earths physical geographic features, the geopolitics stirring up trouble across the globe, or the economics of growing or shrinking countries; geography plays a major role. In todays society, geographic knowledge is one of the most important and valuable tools to possess. Without it, we are victims of ignorance and endanger ourselves, others, and the world. This ignorance, possessed by many, is posing a great risk of self-destruction. The author of “Why Geography Matters More Than Ever”, Harm de Blij, makes many strong points on this matter, but occasionally makes unsupported and unclear statements which tend to stray off topic.
Geographers are known to research both the human and physical geography of foreign lands. They make connections of the information gathered between human and physical geography through their experiences. Geographers must interact with people and be aware of their own views of the world and should aspire to communicate unbiased opinions and understanding of the people’s cultures. In their writing authors ability to understand and work across cultural boundaries is the framework for an individual to attain knowledge while engaging in the culture and develop cross-cultural competence.
The United States has continued to be a country where religion plays a major role in the lives of American citizens. Depending on the type of school students attend, organized prayer is mandatory, allowed, or banned. In the United States, organized prayer in public schools is prohibited because it goes against the Constitution’s separation of church and state (Jinkins 123). The United States promises religious freedom, but is yet to define the degree and limitation of that liberty. However, American citizens have been debating for many years, whether organized prayer should be an option or obligation in public schools. Some people believe that organized prayer or religious classes would be a benefit to young people and should be allowed
President Barack Obama did many things to get to the positions he is at now.” Obama himself struggled with his mixed-race identity and sought to figure out how he fit in with the rest of the world”(Source B). He also had many problems growing up and many complications to get through school since he didn’t have much money. But Obama showed great appreciation for the things he had. He went out in his community becoming a great leader. Not only did he go out in his community and be a leader, But he showed great leadership, as a senate and as a president.Barack Obama was more than just an ordinary President, but he showed great leadership, hard work and cared for others than himself.
Globals, Locals, and Mobals: In the book “The Power of Place,” Harm de Blij introduces a new viewpoint of geography. Geography is much more than the terrain and physical makeup of the world. It is the culture, education, conditions, foods, politics, language, and opportunities. These things make people and places unique, and capture the true meaning of Human Geography.
In chapter five, we discussed several things on geography such as: ecology, the interaction of geography, demography, and environment. In the textbook they defined ecology as “the science concerned with the interactions between living things and their environment.” Human ecology which “is the part of ecology that deals with the way in which human societies adjusts to their environment. Ecological balance “is the term applied to the state achieved when plant or animal species, with its own characteristics and needs, has adjusted to its environment and survived, and when other species, which have likewise adjusted to the environment, prevent it from expanding indefinitely and from crowding them out. The environment is the sum `of all the external influences that impinge on the human organism. Geography is a social science that focuses on the spatial
President Barack Obama is know for remarkable events such as becoming the first African American president of the United States; however, not everyone knows about what else Obama has done. He is also an author who has written around twenty books including a memoir about his early life leading up to his life in law school, and a children’s book dedicated to his daughters. His most famous book Dreams From My Father, a memoir about his early life leading up to law school, is a prime example of what influenced him to write. There were many things that happened in Obama’s life that caused him to write. Things such as the segregation happening in the U.S at the time, his broken home and his feelings towards his absent father.
Barack Obama was born in Honolulu, Hawaii on August 4th, 1961. He went to Harvard Law School. After his graduation, continued his legal work as a civil rights lawyer and a professor teaching constitutional law at the University of Chicago. He was elected to the Illinois State Senate in 1996. He served there for three terms (1996-2004). Later on, he started his campaign in 2007 for the presidential election in 2008. He won the presidential election against John McCain, his Republican opponent and started serving in the office in January 20, 2009. He became the 44th President of The United States of America. He is more well-known for being the first African-American who ever served in The White House.