
Barack Obama 's Presidential Election

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Why Elect Hillary Rodham Clinton for President in 2016

As the 2016 presidential elections draws nearer, many voters and the mainstream media are asking their selves, “Another Bush or Clinton in the White House?”(CNN) This seems to be the buzz that most Americans voters are asking their selves before they hit the voting booths. Hillary Clinton has laid out a stupendous path for herself in this upcoming election, by which is more than just being the former First Lady of the United States. Hillary’s success in this election will be based off of her long political standing, past and present experiences and most important, the issues that impact the everyday American voter. Something she has stood for well before she ever hit the white house or any other political platform. Hillary Clinton is certainly the presidential candidate choice for the people of America.
This paper will discuss why some Americans will not to vote for Hillary Clinton, and will discuss those views and why they matter to them. But moreover, this paper will discuss why Hillary Rodham Clinton is the clear choice to lead our free world. America!
This selection will discuss the early years of Hillary and her passion for public service and social justice.
Ultimately, Hillary’s youth is where everything took shape well before she stepped foot into the political arena and made her into the strong and well-rounded women she is today. According to her website, a brief biography about how Hillary was

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