
Bardolatry In Hamlet Research Paper

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William Shakespeare has had his ups and downs throughout the ages. He’s been loved, hated, praised, changed, adapted, idolized, rewritten, filmed, and modernized, but there is no doubt, everyone has heard of his noteworthy and immortal literary works. Some have taken their infatuation with William Shakespeare to the next level, by creating a religious like organization based solely upon him and his works. Bardolatry is the excessive worship of William
Shakespeare.” 'If any author has become a mortal god, it must be Shakespeare' (Bloom 3)”
(Leach). Bardolatry was made even more prominent throughout the Victorian era through the increase in the popularity of William Shakespeare's written works, a major decline in the
Christian faith due to the …show more content…

His great understanding of human sentiment caused people to raise William Shakespeare to divine status.
William Shakespeare’s play, Hamlet, explores the essences of human nature.
Shakespeare is able to display the themes of man versus man, man versus self, and man versus reality. The main character, Hamlet, experience this mix of emotions as he works out his feelings regarding his father’s murder and his mother’s hasty marriage. Hamlet struggled with his inner emotions as well as attacks from family and friends. He is the greatest example of family drama; after all his mother did marry his uncle. William Shakespeare was able to show how complicated families could get. Throughout this play William Shakespeare’s followers are able to see his vast knowledge of the inner workings of the human mind, thus they see his greatness increase.
Sterling 4
After Charles Darwin introduced the theory of evolution, many devout Christians began to question their belief systems. In search of a new way of believing many turned to Bardolatry.
Since “the nineteenth-century idea of Shakespeare’s inspiration was rarely divorced from religious and reverential connotations” (Laporte) it is easy to see how the transition from

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