Unit Challenge Barrhaven is a rapidly growing neighbourhood in the southwest of Ottawa. It is a thriving community and have many residents. A while ago Barrhaven had only one grocery store and a few small shops but after a few years there are 2 shopping centers and a movie theatre. This means Barrhaven has grown a lot which is why it is rapidly going. Here are areas where Barrhaven has grown in. Population: Barrhaven’s population is 17,250 people with an average of 8568.3 people. The male population is around 8545 people and the female population is around 8705 people. The ages of residents from 0-9 is 11.4%,the age of residents from 10-19 is 15.4%,the age of residents from 20-29 is 13.7%,the age of residents from 30-39 11.7%, the age of …show more content…
This is the information of all of the population in Barrhaven and their ages in percents. The population of barrhaven is growing because more and more people are coming to barrhaven. Also many people are getting married and starting families in barrhaven which means they might move into one of the homes in barrhaven. Minto and other home builders are starting to make more and more neighborhoods so these families can move in. Recently Chapman Mills was awarded the most established community in Ottawa. These award proves that home builders are using the land innovatively to help increase Barrhaven’s population. Another way the population is increasing is the number of schools. There are 15 schools in Barrhaven so finding a school near you won’t be a problem. Many schools indicates that the population has increased. Half Moon Bay is a new school that was built because some schools were way to …show more content…
But how can it be more sustainable? The first way is sustaining our environment. Barrhaven is building many different communities so destroying wildlife might happen a bit. The neighborhood behind Cedarview Middle School was before a big green dense forest. Soon when they decided to build more houses the forest had to be cut down which destroys animals’ habitat. For Barrhaven to sustain their environment they have to cut fewer trees and help the animals that lost their homes. Near my house we have a forest with a bike trail. Usually when I bike I see animals like foxes, squirrels and other forest creatures. But when Barrhaven cut a little bit of it down I could see a decrease in the number of animals I’ve seen. One day when I was walking to school a fox ran right in front of me onto the road and almost got hit by a car. This shows that the fox has no clue where his/her home is and is trying to search for it. So if that happens to him that might mean it happens to other animals in a Barrhaven. So Barrhaven lacks in helping animals which is unsustaining our community. To improve this is add more nature sites and trees. By adding more nature sites and trees animals will move in and animals will have a home since we destroy their habitats. We could plant a lot of trees and add a biking path so it attracts tourists meaning spending money to build it will help Barrhaven’s tourism more. We could “push” animals
The Palms Hospital is considering an expansion project that would utilize land previously purchased. By expanding into ambulatory surgical services, the hospital has the opportunity to increase revenues and capture market share in this area. Investigation in the NPV of the project and a scenario analysis reveal that the project would be profitable.
• A rise in the older population, 75 yrs and over, from 9% to 13% (29,000) of the total population is estimated by 2031 for Swansea, Neath and Port Talbot.
On September 19th, 1863 General Braxton Brag from the Confederates met General James Longstreet also from the Confederates at Chickamauga Creek. They devised a plan to defeat the Union General William S. Rosecrans. They wanted to gain back the town of Chattanooga, this land had been taken from them in an earlier battle. The Confederates had 65,000 soldiers and the union had 60,000 soldiers. The battle resumed the next morning at 9:30, the Confederates gained Lt. General Leonidas K. Polk who reorganized the Confederate army. The Union's left flank was targeted, Rosecrans thought that there was a hole in their line, so he ordered Brig. General Thomas Wood to fill it. Wood knew there was no hole, but to prevent from being reprimanded for not listening,
Situated just 35 miles south of Boston, this community is placed in the southeastern part of Massachusetts. The modern community is primarily residential. Many of the residents community using the MBTA Old Colony Train to get to Boston. In addition, the city has top schools and an active community. The primary industries in this seaside community are connected to fishing and cranberry growing.
set up here. As the city continues to grow bigger, people branch out from this original central
Ultimately, the impact of gentrification on the Downtown Eastside will be most felt by its current low-income residents. It is understood that the complexity of the issues found in the Downtown Eastside does not allow for an easy fix. The extent to which gentrification’s impacts have been and will be felt by those living in the area are and will be great, respectively. While gentrification may bring diversity to Vancouver, it is at the expense of the many disadvantaged residents of the Downtown Eastside who will be
When you hear about the city Detroit do you ever think of it as a city that needs to be gentrified? Gentrification is the process in which renovating or improving a house or district so that it accepts to middle-class taste. Gentrifying the city of Detroit is a great thing because the city needs to show improvement, develop into a better place, and it needs to increase its population numbers from a low rate to a more advanced rate.
The Metropolitan area of Youngstown- Warren- Boardman has been a declining area over the last few decades, and hope is not near. The situation of this city is unbelievable, with poverty just seeping at the seams. The city is struggling with low education, job scarcity, and crime. People are fleeing in hopes of finding work, leaving the population to decrease. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, Youngstown Ohio is the only city to lose more than two percent of its population in two years. People are scared, depressed, and finding dangerous ways to cope with the reality of the city they are living in. The Metropolitan area of Youngstown-Warren-Boardman is on a fast decline due to the impoverished living conditions these people face daily.
One of the problems is that Lake Tahoe is losing water clarity. Its water clarity has decreased by more than thirty-three percent since 1960s and may become irreversible in ten years if change is not going to come soon (Programs to Preserve). Building, roads, and mines affected the original look of the environment. There is no way of going back and bringing Lake Tahoe to how it originally looked. Trees had to be cut in order to make the roads and mines had to be dug. Thus causing less habitat for the animals to live in. Many animals get killed by vehicles driving on the roads; causing animals to get killed when they otherwise would have not of gotten killed if there were no roads. Black bears also get killed frequently by rangers when they should have not been touched at all. Black bears rely on human waste for food and often stuff themselves with newspapers (Keep Tahoe Blue). Lake Tahoe’s moto is “Keep Tahoe Blue”. Meaning “…a crystal clear Lake, protecting watersheds that support native plants and forests and abundant wildlife, an active and informed community of residents and visitors who act as stewards of the Lake…” (Keep Tahoe Blue). Efforts are being done to help improve the conditions of Lake Tahoe’s ecosystems. It is the little steps that make the big
At this point I need to elaborate on my relationship with Vic Barfield. He and I served as the two Deputy Directors of C&D from May to September 1971 and then he as the Deputy Secretary and me as the Assistant Secretary of the [newly created by the 1971 legislature’s restructuring of State government] Department of Natural and Economic Resources until my departure in August of 1976. Barfield continued in his position until 1977 when he was transferred to the newly-restructured Department of Commerce as its Deputy Secretary. Vic and I had entirely different backgrounds. He had come up through the ranks of State government from an accountant in C&D to become its Deputy Director in charge of administration (budgets, personnel, etc.) and I, of course, had come from 13 years’ academic experience at NC State. Vic and I became close, partly because we got along well together, but more importantly
This park isn’t just for the animals either, It's a good way to bring the community together and to enjoy nature (and not look at your phone all day). I have well over 100 hours of volunteer work at the park, helping with charity events, the construction of structures, and caring for some of the animals. I live in a town that has various problems (like every town), and if you live here, you know what I mean. I would like New Richmond to be known more for positive things like the new aviary & wildlife center than for its drug problem. So I go and work down there almost everyday.
In contrast to the upheaval of animals in a development area, humans also make efforts to preserve biodiversity and forests by creating wild life
This report will consist of the effects of urban growth and suburbanisation in Blacktown and the implications for future government planning to aid these issues.
Power is the ability to control something or act in a particular way, this can get to any leaders heads when they are given power. Power can be misplaced and mistreated often, especially when given to the wrong person. The novel, Animal Farm, by George Orwell is a good example of this. In the novel Animal Farm, the animals do not like the way the farm is being run, to fix this they decide to take over and the pigs forcefully take charge. Eventually the farm winds up corrupt because of the misuse of the power by the pigs.
The book of First Timothy gives us a great point of view of the relationship of Paul and