
Bartleby The Scrivener Research Paper

Decent Essays

I Prefer Not To When workers bring up their boss in conversation, words like intimidating or hard-nosed might be tossed around. Also, any good employee knows to look busy when their boss is around and to be on their best behavior. Bartleby, in Bartleby The Scrivener did not abide by these office rules many of us follow. Bartleby was a scrivener for a law office on Wall Street. In the beginning days of Bartleby’s new job as a copier, he exceled greatly surpassing his fellow co-workers. This inspirational work ethic soon turned sour when Bartleby refused to do any work at all around the office. Lack of discipline from the boss of the law office turned Bartleby’s “I would prefer not to” into a much larger problem. The boss being such a pushover …show more content…

The two other scriveners in the office, Turkey and Nippers, only did a combined one full days work between the two of them. Turkeys drinking problem and Nippers not being a morning person caused lack of production between the two workers. Turkey could work fine in the morning and turned out good copies, while Nippers was incapable of working in the morning and getting nothing done. In the afternoon, Turkey would return from lunch drunk and not being able to complete any tasks without blotting paper and Nippers was the productive one. “But the blots, Turkey,” intimated I. “True; but, with submission, sir, behold these hairs! I am getting old. Surely, sir, a blot or tow of a warm afternoon is not got be severely urged against grey hairs.” (135) Bartleby recognizes this lack of authority and once asked by his boss to look over some of his work Bartleby says, “I would prefer not to” and refuses to look over his work despite his bosses wishes. Any normal boss might give a stern warning and make the employee complete the task at hand. On the other hand, Bartleby’s boss simply blew off the matter and summoned Nippers from the other room to look over Bartleby’s work. This event gave Bartleby the green light to believing he can do what he wants in the office and no discipline will be …show more content…

In a brief word or two, he moreover added, that perhaps I had better walk around the block two or three times. (142) Bartleby tells his own boss and owner of the law office to leave his own property while he remains inside. This event solidifies the fact that the boss has no backbone for himself or the company. The boss cannot stand up for himself and tells Bartleby to leave, but rather takes the command of one of his incompetent workers. Bartleby at this point has gained complete control over his own boss. The boss being such a pushover is causing Bartleby to act the way he does. Bartleby starts with one simple “I would prefer not to”, and escalates to him not doing any work at all and becoming a statue like figure in the office. The boss is to blame for how Bartleby acts in the workplace. The boss should have eliminated the problem of Bartleby refusing to work from the beginning. The boss got to a point to where he did not know what to do with Bartleby and ended up moving offices because he could not get rid of him. If handled correctly by the boss, Bartleby could have made a great scrivener besides dying in a jail from starvation. Who was the real boss of Bartleby the

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