When I first started playing basketball I only tried it out cause my dad said it would be fun for a kid my age to start playing basketball. I was about 11 when I first started playing and like everyone when they first try something new they terrible in it, so when i would go to my practices and my games I would always say i'm a terrible player and shouldn't set foot on another court. My dad started noticing this in my games when i would seem afraid to touch the ball and even dribble or shoot and i will never forget what he told me he said, “Sebastian If you don't want to play anymore just tell me, but If you want to improve and give it another try I'll support you.” With just a few little words my dad has told me throughout my whole life I
Entry 1: “Superman and Me” by Sherman Alexie Part 1: Alexie’s purpose in his essay was to convey how reading quite literally saves children; more specifically, underprivileged children such as those living on Native American reservations. He begins his essay by discussing how he first learned to read. Alexie taught himself, and says if he was anything but an “Indian boy… might’ve been a prodigy” (216).This demonstrates that if he could teach himself to read and become a prodigy by non-native standards, then so can others. The author uses the simplicity of the superman comic to explain how it changed his life and turned him into a prodigy, and a successful man. This conveys the idea to his audience that one does not need a teacher to learn
Sennet. Exeunt all except Anderson Varejao and Kyrie Irving Kyrie Irving Are you going to the game? Anderson Varejao
What do you think when you hear volleyball; serve, bit, pass, net and ball. It's so much more than that it's aggression, passion, oomph,uphill battle, and love. At first I thought volleyball was just for fun, but then one day that all changed. "Hurry up and make sure that you have everything you need," my mom shouted. "Okay, I'll be out in a minute," I replied. I promptly jammed my shoes into my bag, zipped it and rushed out my bedroom and down to the front door. My mom rushed in and said, "Let's go." We seemed to accelerate down the road. As we approached the gymnasium the car and dashed into the building. Legion points into the game everyone started to glance around frantically
First of all Poe uses the decaying setting to give a sense of dread. The narrator describes the atmosphere as similar “to the after-dream of the reveller upon opium”. It is dreary unearthly. The narrator also says that it is a dreary autumn day. Poe chose to set the story in autumn because it is a season commonly corresponding with death and fear. The actual house is decaying and covered in fungi with a large fissure going down the front of it.. This represents Usher’s state of mind during the visit. Moreover the shape of the house is said to be skull-like which could symbolize the presence of death throughout the story. The interior of the house is no different form its exterior. Once the narrator is led inside the house he finds
Have I already told you about my past? A long time ago, i was a dreaded species by ALL ! But not only my species was dreaded by all, but further... I was...
The day was October 8th, 2014. I hardly played. One school day, my 5th teacher, Ms. Smit said, “flyers for the basketball team on the table” ordinarily I took one. Kids from 4th, 5th, and 6th grade came to try out for the team. After tryouts, a paper next to the nurse's office was hung up. The paper sheet named those who had made the team. Surprisingly, I made the team, most likely from my height. I felt like I shouldn’t have made the team. At the time, I barely started to play basketball. I went to the practices at school and tried to make myself a little bit better, since a tournament was about to begin in a few weeks.
My parents have told me never to give up on sports and always try my hardest. When I play they don’t care if I win or lose, they just want me to try my best and keep going. If I want to quit basketball they don’t allow me to because they want me to keep practicing to get better and learn not to quit and to learn to enjoy it through the hard times.