
Bathsheba's Choice in ‘Far from the Maddening Crowd’ Essay

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Bathsheba's Choice in ‘Far from the Maddening Crowd.’ Set in the 1840’s, the novel tells the story of Bathsheba Everdene and the three men who feature in her life.

Gabriel Oak is the one of the most central figures in the novel. He is an expert shepherd and a farmer and is a man of simple values, who earns an honest living, and is in harmony with nature. His love for Bathsheba is honest, unromantic, and above all, steadfast and patient. Gabriel is unselfish, resourceful, and is able to withstand misfortune in all areas of his life. He is also the counterweight to all the other major characters in the story. Mr Boldwood is a well-respected, local gentleman farmer. He has dignity and is depicted …show more content…

However, in later chapters she shows herself to be capable, brave and self-reliant, struggling against multiplying disasters, which have their origins in her earlier immaturity. Her deficiency in maturity leads her into two disastrous relationships, namely with Mr Boldwood and with Troy. The author makes it clear that Bathsheba’s character includes both fine feelings and faults. By the end of the novel she reveals an inner strength by being able to endure Troy and Fanny being buried together, and she recognizes her need for the love of Gabriel, who has remained loyal and steadfast.

Bathsheba recieves her first proposal of marriage from Gabriel Oak. Gabriel offers Bathsheba, security, wealth, happiness, social status and most importantly love. "I have a nice snug little farm" and " You shall have a piano now-and I'll practice up the flute right well to play with you in the evenings." However, despite all of Gabriel's good qualities, Bathsheba rejects his offer of marriage, because of several reasons. A major factor for Bathsheba rejecting Gabriel is that she does not love him: "I don't love you a bit." Bathsheba desires an exciting relationship where she is courted and seduced by the opposing sex. She wants to be in a romantic, passionate and loving relationship, where her partner charms her. Bathsheba feels that Gabriel cannot offer this type of relationship

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