
Battle For Democracy: The Battle Of Democracy

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The Battle for Democracy
The ultimate goal of the framers was to create a constitution that would be representative of the people. A governmental system of this kind was an entirely new concept in the world. As defined by Greenberg and Page, “A democracy is a system of government in which the people rule by the many.” The three major parts of a democracy are political liberties, political equality, and popular sovereignty. When the three are practiced in balance this creates a perfect democratic system. The constitution is considered a living being because throughout the years it has changed and evolved to help us create a better and more just nation. Despite anything the United States and California constitutions striving to be completely democratic, however, the California constitution does a better job for reflecting the needs and desires of the people.
After the failure of the Articles of Confederation the framers set out to write a constitution that would benefit a majority of the people. That’s where they ran into problems, when defining what exactly constitutes one as a man that was eligible to participate in politics. At the time it was a white European man who owned property. And because of this in the original constitution the right to vote was denied to non-citizens, blacks, and women …show more content…

The California constitution has been amended more than five hundred times and this is due mostly to the initiative and referendum process. An initiative as stated by Field is, “a process by which citizens can propose a state or local law or amendment to the state constitution by signing a formal petition asking that it be submitted as a ballot position”. This shows that unlike the US constitution the California constitution is more reflective of what the people really want. These allow for Californians to be directly involved in laws and acts that govern

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