
Battle Of Amiens Research Paper

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The Battle of Amiens (8-11 August 1918) was the beginning of the Hundred Days offensive for the Allied forces. This four-month period of Allied success stemmed from withstanding the onslaught of the German Spring Offensive (21 March - 18 July 1918). The Battle of Amiens enabled the Allied forces to launch their own counterattack against Germany, while advancing forward on German forces on the western front leading to victory in World War I for the Allies utilizing their new tactics.
The past battles of World War I gave the Allies the experience and teaching points they to be far more progressive when developing new tactics for warfare. The British Expeditionary Force (BEF) would lead the charge for the Allies with an adaptive infantry, precise …show more content…

The top ranking German military leader General Luderndorff wanted to end World War I and with Russia pulling out the war the Germans used those forces from the Eastern front to the West. His idea was to add 500,000 troops to the west and bombard the Allies into submission. On March 21st, 1918, General Luderndorff put his plan into motion and in five hours, the Germans fired one million artillery shells and over the next few days over 21,000 British troops had been captured. Right after the bombardment the Germans sent in their “elite fighting force” the storm troopers. These soldiers were highly skilled light infantry men and completed all their objectives before moving on to the next. The storm troopers only carried what they “needed” and their weaponry. However, as the offensive went on the storm troopers ran out of supplies and because they moved up that the battlefield so quickly and efficiently their supply lines could not keep up. For example, horses supposed be used for the cavalries were cooked and eaten due to the lack of rations on the battlefield. According to World War I and the Age of Modern Warfare by Kevin Hillstrom, Hillstrom speaks on the initial offensive from the Germans and how it would be the beginning of the end. The Allied forces withstood the offensive, and by late summer the tide had decisively turned against Germany and its exhausted and demoralized army. …show more content…

Led by British General Baron Rawlinson with the plan of a ten-division attack against a 10-mile front. The key to Rawlinson’s plan was to avoid the German bombardment he knew would come from their past battles. General Rawlinson wanted no customary artillery bombardment before the they engaged the enemy, instead tanks and the “storm troopers” from Canada and Australia led the ground attack (although they were enacted later in the initial assault) but were impeded amongst the infantrymen from the Allied forces. Once the tanks found their targets the artillery would join in their assault simultaneously. The French joined in with the bombardment but their infantry did not engage the battlefield immediately they waited 45 minutes. General Rawlinson also had long periods of radio silence and fake messages transferred over the radio because he knew the Germans would be listening to steal

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