
Battle Of Persian Sea Essay

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Tyre were able to harass the Macedonians. The Tyrians knew they had to take an offensive action. They took action by using their superior war ships and used an old horse ship filled with combustibles, lit it on fire, and rammed it against the bridge burning their work. Macedonians tried to put out the fire but were killed or forced to flee due to warships coming filled with archers. Alexander’s anger grew far worse and stayed persistent. He sent out twice as many engineers to work on the bridge as they headed north along the coast. He went back to the recently captured cities Byblus and Sidon. He gathered a fleet from both cities and other cities such as Ionia and his homeland, Macedonia. He acquired at least 100 ships in his command. Alexander’s …show more content…

He conquered Egypt and other major cities such as Babylonia and Elam. As he returned north, Alexander knew it was time to head east and finish his Persian campaign (S. 2008). The battle of the Persian Gate is the most significant. He wanted to invade Persia propery before winter started. This was easy because the Royal Road, a Persian road used for trading and other political reasons, connected Elam and Persepolis. The roads were split through the mountains in modern day Haftgel. Parmenion was to take the Royal Road and Alexander took the most dangerous road through the Zagros Mountains. Alexander massacred the Uxians tribe and no one dared to challenge the Macedonian army. Soon Alexander crossed the Marun River, the boarder of Elam and Persis, and reached to a plain. The Macedonians prepared to cross the Persian Gate to reach the city of Persepolis. Persepolis is very important because if Alexander were to capture it, the rest of the empire would too. However, Persian satrap, Ariobarzanes, was aware of the move and prepared his counter attacks (2016). Callisthenes, who kept Alexander’s diary, wrote that Alexander had tens of thousands of soldiers, but since he took the most difficult passage, he took the strongest troops. The opposing army were 1,000 -1,200 men strong. Ariobarzanes was the Persian’s last stand. Ariobarzanes was severely out numbered. Although the Persian archers had a geographical advantage,

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