
Bazarovism And Nihilism

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During the 1860s, there were new, different streams of thoughts that were emerging. In Fathers and Sons, Bazarov was a nihilist, and represented the younger generation who believed in Bazarovism. Turgenev’s description of Bazarov and his attempts to change Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov, a Romantic, reveals what Turgenev thought toward nihilists. Bazarov’s actions and thoughts mirror the thoughts of those young scholars during the 1860s. Throughout his novel, Turgenev’s portrayal of Bazarov create a description of Bazarovism, a different and new type of literary type and thought for Russia during the 1860s. These new literary and intellectual types of thought grew from the generational difference between the fathers and the sons. As it grew out of a difference between generations, Bazarovism is largely different from Romanticism, what the fathers believe in, and is related to nihilism.
Turgenev, in describing what type of person Bazarov was, coined the term nihilism. In Fathers and Sons, Arkady, Nikolai’s son, states that Bazarov is a nihilist. Turgenev then describes the actions of Bazarov, creating a new intellectual thought, Bazarovism. Bazarovism is mostly derived from his own actions and views, but is also influenced by others’ reactions to the way Bazarov acts. As a nihilist, Bazarov rejects anything unless it has been previously proven to be true. Arkady tells his father, Nikolai, and Pavel, his uncle, that as a nihilist, Bazarov “looks at everything critically.” Instead

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