
Beach Creative Writing

Decent Essays

Looking Back
Waking up to the bright reflection coming from the newly fallen snow was a typical alarm for the southern beach girl I am. At this point, I am regretting that I have vowed to be a runner for the rest of my youth since while on vacation the Quebec air is below zero degrees. Once enough energy has built up, I roll out of the bed to tie my running shoes, grab a set of earmuffs and head out the door into the chilly December air, smelling the pot of coffee Grandma has brewing for me when I return. The roads are just as slippery as I had imagined they would be. Usually, I would take the gravel path up to the church, but the roads to town are calling my name today. In order to get to the road, I make a sharp turn through the trees. Just on the other side of the tree line the sun was rising and looked like a painting you would find in an art gallery. With an open snow covered field on my right and a farm to my left, I jog down the road until the town is in upon me. …show more content…

When the weather was predicted to be summer and 75, yet turned out to be snowy and 52. Those are 8 weeks that I will never forget.
I carry on over the slippery roads to find a motorcycle rolling its way down the road.
‘Who rides a motorcycle in the middle of winter?’ As I am waiting at the stop sign the motorcycle goes by, without stopping. I don’t pay much more attention to the man who just must be in a rush, and continue on with my run. Reaching the outer edge of the trees, where I’m almost home, I see the bike laying on the side on the road. I rush over to see what has happened to see a familiar face, high cheekbones, perfect jawline, and his light pink lips, freezing in the cold. But how could I miss the cut on his cheek- left there by my own nail, 6 years ago, when I met

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