
Bear Stearns Research Paper

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The day Bear Stearns fell was one of the worse financial upsets of our time. As a major American investment company, they ran out of money. Bear Stearns was definitely one of the most exposed to the subprime mortgage crisis after being hit hard in the summer of 2007 when two of its hedge funds crashed. The Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase orchestrated an extraordinary rescue attempt that allowed Bear Stearns to borrow emergency money to stay alive and steady. Consequently, in an effort to prevent a crisis on Wall Street. The nation’s central bank, the Federal Reserve, backed the loan helping to prevent the collapse of Bear Stearns and to stabilize the financial market. The Federal Reserve and JP Morgan Chase extended an immense line of credit to help Bear Stearns stay afloat. In a matter of one-week Bear Stearns went from $70 to $2 a share. The Federal reserve, JP Morgan Chase and Bear Stearns pulled off what usually would take months, took only a weekend before the market reopened on Monday. Ultimately, selling Bear Stearns to JP Morgan Chase for $2 a share (Greenberg and Singer, 2010). …show more content…

Stearns and Harold C. Mayer Sr. on Tuesday, May 1, 1923, as an equity trading house with only $500,000 in capital. In today’s dollars that would equate to approximately $6.1 billion. During the time the firm was founded Joseph Bear was 45, Robert Stearns was 35 and Harold Mayer Sr. was 28. The Bear Stearns Companies, Incorporated was based in New York as a global investment bank, securities trading and brokerage firm. Its main business areas were capital markets, investment banking, wealth management and global clearing services (Greenberg and Singer,

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