
Beauty Can Destroy Life : Beauty Is Dangerous And Unhealthy?

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Beauty Can Destroy Life “More people die from eating disorders than any other psychiatric condition,” states the website Everyday Health. What are eating disorders? They are very serious and life-threatening illnesses that affect a person’s eating behavior/behaviors. Everyday Health also says, “According to the National Eating Disorders Association (NEDA), 20 million women currently living in the United States will suffer from an eating disorder at some point in their lives.” Most eating disorders are directly related to beauty because they are characterized by a distorted perception of the body and self-image. In today’s society beauty is often the basis by which women are judged. Yet beauty is dangerous and unhealthy; it distorts the way women see themselves, and causes emotional, physical and relational problems. How do we define dangerous and unhealthy? The Dictionary defines dangerous as something that is “able or likely to cause harm or injury” and “likely to cause problems or have adverse consequences.” Dangerous can cause harm to a person’s physical and emotional health. It can also be deadly; i.e., result in death. Most people would agree that jumping off a cliff is dangerous. Why? Because jumping off a cliff will probably result in death or serious injuries. Another example is fire. Fire is dangerous because it burns or causes harm to your skin. Dangerous, put simply, is anything or anyone that has negative and/or harmful effects. What about unhealthy? The Dictionary explains that unhealthy is “harmful to health,” “not having or showing good health,” and “not sensible or well-balanced; abnormal and harmful.” Being overweight (excessive weight) is considered unhealthy. At the same time being underweight (having too little weight) is also considered unhealthy. Unhealthy is most commonly thought of as something that is not good for you. In reality, the definition of unhealthy is very similar to that of dangerous. They both cause problems, aren’t good for humans, and are harmful to the physical and/or emotional health of an individual. Probably the most common and the most harmful eating disorder is Anorexia Nervosa. However, there are many different types of eating

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