
Beauty Is Truth Short Story

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In the short story by Anna Guest, “Beauty is Truth,” the main character learned that to be beautiful is to be true to who you really are. The same concept applies for the article, “US Beauty queen Victoria Graham doesn't hide her scars,” written by Victoria St. Martin. These two sources have the theme that something beautiful doesn't have to be perfect or pretty, it has to be real and truthful.
In the short story, “Beauty is Truth” written by Anna Guest, is about a girl,Jeanie, her mom and her brother Billy. Billy gets in trouble for gambling and Jeanie’s mom beats Billy for it. At first, Jeanie didn't understand why her mom beat Billy, but when she did, Jeanie understood her English assignment to “‘Write about Beauty and truth. About life,’’’ (309). Which means to write about something real in your life. However, some people might think that life has too many hardships and challenges, but that's what makes life so beautiful. It really matters on how the people would face the challenges and problem-solve. Similarly, Miss Lowry was asking the students to write about their real, at-home and out of school situations. Comparably, in the outside source, “US Beauty queen Victoria Graham doesn't hide her scars,” written by Victoria St. Martin, describes a life of a US Beauty Queen that embraces her differences. After falling from a gymnastics bar when she was 10, and felt pain in her back, it never went away. And when at the age of 19, Graham was diagnosed as having the

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