
Beauty School Admissions

Decent Essays

My Paul Mitchell Entrance Essay: First Draft Jessica B. Teal 15 MAR 2012 Entrance Essay Paul Mitchell Entrance Essay I could make this essay as cliché as they come and talk about how being a single mother is so challenging, about how boot camp was so hard, or how a bad divorce changed my views on everything in my life… but instead, I’ll appreciate all of those things, and grasp my goals from a different challenge. That challenge is: loss. Some of my biggest goals were awknowledged through the death of my best friend, which in turn led me to this road at Paul Mitchell St. Louis. All of the above mentioned have shaped me, and for that I am grateful, however, the person who helped me realize my dreams of pursing art …show more content…

I want nothing more than to graduate Paul Mitchell at the top of my class and pay my dues as expected in a local salon, and eventually move up to editorial work. Another friend and idol of mine, Natalie Burke, has attended Paul Mitchell and worked for Kelly Cardenas and now travels all over the world as a freelance stylist. I highly respect her and her career, and often watch the steps shes taken to get where she is. I want to make more of my career than

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