
Beauty Within Us All

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Beauty Within Us All When spoken words are no longer able to serve a purpose for expression or communication, people often turn to other means to convey their internal feelings and thoughts. The evolution of various art forms, including theatrical productions, artistic displays, and instrumental melodies have given alternatives to turn to when we as humans seek a different expression to observe ourselves through. Music is regarded notoriously for serving this chief purpose for listeners. With this perspective in mind, Jonny Depp once said, “Music touches us emotionally, where words alone can 't.” In conjunction with the former assertion, music is often recognized for its meditative effect on an individual. Whether a listener is turning to …show more content…

A flashback is given in relation to one of the female individuals first introduced to the viewer where she is seen with a lover in one scene and then unresponsive in a pool of water in the next. An elderly man is next seen expressing his farewells to companions before departing on an unknown quest. The scene transitions to two other characters henceforth that are met under a new set of circumstances. The first to make an appearance is a boy nestled on the rooftop of a building. Beneath him he spots a group of armed thieves approaching his dwelling, and he proceeds to sprint down to the ground level of his dwelling, lodging himself into an adjacent crevice. A brief intervention of another man, presumably the homeowner, is shown being held at gunpoint while the prior boy watches nervously. Representative of the reality that many youths experience today, this scene reflects an instant in which a powerless individual stands by as an observer under a scenario that proposes a dire outcome. Being of a ripe, underdeveloped age, the boy is struck with both a sense of paranoia and panic. When children are presented with a situation that intuitively they know will not end well, but do not know how to change the impending outcome, their initial reaction is often to panic. However, as with any frightful circumstance, the innate response of fight or flight comes into play and the individual is able to react either one of two ways.

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