
Becoming A Cardiologist Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

I come from a world of challenges. For instance, I have been going through many ups and downs. I am a very successful young woman that chose to show her good side more through cheerleading. I am the girl that is ahead of everyone else in my family because I know what I want to do in my future. I want to become a Cardiologist.

My personal life decisions are not easy, even though today, I will continue to make good progress for myself through education. I study my family every day. The conditions I go through every day is what I do not want for my future. My family faces a lot of financial problems. Money is always the problem in my family. I believe my family are very hard working people that I need to work harder for myself to not face this issue. I know I can do better than what my family left behind for me to succeed.

My grandma and grandpa have heart disease. Ever since I have seen my grandma suffer in the hospital many times, she passed away to give me a good trait. The trait was to become a good woman. A hero to everyone else. Now that I look up to my grandpa, seeing him suffer breaks my heart and I wish I can heal him in just all one day except I cannot do that. I have to wait until my time comes to be a cardiologist. When I saw doctors helping my …show more content…

I am proving to myself that I will become a cardiologist and nobody in my family and the world can doubt that. My future is my future. I decide what is best for me and my people. I need to make serious life commitments to the real world. I have passion for everyone without any judgement even. I am a very calm, outgoing teenager. I go to school on time and pay attention. I do all my work and study every day. It is very time consuming to be educated for the path I am turning to but it will be worth it for my

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