
Becoming A Non Commissioned Officer

Decent Essays

Becoming a Non-Commissioned Officer (NCO) in the United States Air Force is a very significant milestone within an Airman’s career. Achieving such honor builds confidence, pride, and commitment. For those who step into the role as an NCO quickly find out leadership is more complex than just sewing rank onto a uniform. I’ve recognized that the type of leader I am currently is considered being Management by Exception-Passive (MBE-P). Being MBE-P my leadership approach is based on the motto of “if it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.” I am an individual who will holds his subordinates and peers accountable for their actions if standards aren’t being met. My leadership approach is more reactive than proactive. My leadership style is also defined as …show more content…

If I’m not physically fit and have emotional problems I can’t handle, I will not be very effective dealing with my subordinate’s concerns. Understanding the importance of wellness will not only allow me to improve as a leader but also improve the quality of life for my subordinates. As an NCO I, must be able to lead and provide direction. If my wellness is affected it could also affect the orders I give to subordinates. The Knowing Yourself concept deals with verbal and nonverbal interpersonal communication. When my wellness dimensions are affected negatively it causing my interaction with subordinates, peers, and supervisors to be different than normal. Being unaware of my nonverbal communication during wellness breakdowns can cause my subordinates to misinterpret my orders; and misinterpreted orders leads to lives being lost. So, improving my self-awareness of my own tendencies and wellness dimensions improves my interaction and support I provide my subordinates. The next step after improving my self-awareness of who I am, will be focusing on who I want to become.
The Authentic Leadership concept provided me with a self-knowledge of how I can invest and contribute to the development of myself and others. The 4-Dimensions of Wellness will help me develop and maintain a positive psychological state which is a piece of becoming an Authentic Leader. Being aware of my behavior toward others is encompassed within the Knowing Yourself and Authentic Leadership

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