
Becoming An Auto-Mechanic-Personal Narrative

Satisfactory Essays

Growing up I’ve wanted to be many things when i grew up, such as a police officer, fireman, lawyer, and a lot of other stuff. Now that i am older, I have more of a realistic and reasonable job that i would enjoy doing. I am only a Sophomore in High School though, and
God’s plan for can be different then what i think i want to be when i grow up.
My plan as of right now is to go college and become an auto-mechanic. I’m not quite sure yet if i am going to stay in Idaho and go to a local college such as NIC or move out and go to an out of state college. I want to go to college because i want to learn what i need to know about becoming an auto-mechanic so i can get a job in the future.
I know that going to a college, my beliefs will be tested, whether it’s with pure pressure, …show more content…

I have been going to a Christian school since i was in fourth grade, and i was raised by Christian parents, so going out into the world where i am not surrounded by people of the same beliefs as me is going to be a big step, but I have known
Jesus my whole life and i think i will be grounded in my faith by the time i get to college that i will be able to not break down and fall into what other people are doing.
Going to college is a big step for another reason, your moving away from your family and friends. Even though you will find new friends at your college, you can still feel awkward being there. Personally, I think that a change and getting away from where i’ve grown up would be nice. I’m not worried about being homesick, I’m excited to get away from everything. My definition of success for me would be to pass college and get a job i can support a family with, but going to college and passing can’t be my only goal. I have to trust what God

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