
Becoming Informed Voter

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Becoming an Informed voter, according to Stephen Whitham (Becoming an Informed Voter, 2014), means doing research on the candidates running for office. Looking at their voting record along with their philosophy will provide a good idea of how the candidates will vote on the issues presented to them. The State of Connecticut is considered a liberal state and has consistently voted Democrats into Congress during the last 3 elections. Taking a look at their voting records and how they voted gives the voters a good idea on how their elected officials will vote in the years to come. Voter should not just listen to what a candidate says, but also look at how the candidate votes to see what they really think and believe.
Part 1: Congressional District …show more content…

According to the Almanac of American Politics (2013), Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan received 135,212 votes while Barack Obama and Joe Biden garnered 177,522 votes. The presidential race of 2012 was much closer than in 2008 when John McCain and Sarah Palin were running against Barak Obama and Joe Biden. In that race McCain and Palin only received 139,945 votes while Obama and Biden received significantly more votes at 204,220 respectively (Barone, 2013, p. 335). In regards to Congressional races in the state, but specifically the Second District, the majority of the District voted Democrat with Joe Courtney receiving 140,731 votes while his opponent Republican Paul Formica receiving only 88,103 in the 2012 General election (Barone, 2013, p. …show more content…

When comparing interest group scores it is clear that Blumenthal votes with the left on most issues. According to National Journal Ratings (2015), Blumenthal is ranked Number 5 among all Democrats in voting for Democratic issues. The Junior Senator from Connecticut is ranked Number 1 in the Senate at this time. Another fact that reveals Blumenthal’s Democratic tendencies is that Blumenthal has been endorsed by NARAL and Planned Parenthood, two groups that are Liberal leaning and stand against the Conservative agenda. Stephen Whitham in his presentation “Becoming an Informed Voter” (2014), talked about this very thing and why individuals should look at how a representative votes and who endorses them. When researching past votes of representatives how they think and feel towards issues will become

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