
Bedhead's Case

Decent Essays

Courtrooms never looked so big on the inside; the building itself looked pretty small, and given the amount of doors lining the walls, if all of the courtrooms looked like this it would be a sight to see them all come together. Regardless, Bedhead sat down in one of the empty jury seats, fixed her hair, and waited. More and more jurors began to emerge from the outside halls; one even asked if he was in the right room. She assured him he was.
“Ten minutes till we begin, ladies and gentleman. Ten minutes until we begin.” rang the voice of an officer standing at the front of the room below the podium. He would be quickly identified as the bailiff, a large husky fellow. One could assume that his previous occupation was that of a bouncer. In any …show more content…

My stepfather.” Bedhead raised an eyebrow herself. “Yes, your stepfather. That was it.” He turned his attention to the left of him, towards the prosecution’s table. “Would the prosecution please give his opening statement?” A man rose, courting a suit of brown. He looked eager, though quite old. “Yes, your honor. I’d be glad to.” Turning his attention towards the woman and holding up a piece of paper, he began, “The accused, Ms. What’s-her-face, is charged with murder in the first degree of her stepfather Blahblahblah. The weapon, currently being analyzed by our police department, was a silenced miniature uzi. It had a barrel of about five inches sticking out from the gun itself. Within three shots of firing said weapon, Mr. So’n’so was killed immediately. Several bullet holes were found inside the body during our autopsy report.” The man took a small breather; the woman looked at him flatly, blowing a bit of her bright hair out of her eyes. He continued, “Upon further questioning, Ms. What’s-her-face is revealed to have a rather long and abusive history with this man, prompting her motive for murder-” At once, the woman flared and she turned towards the prosecution, “You’re lying! It-it wasn’t like that at all! Why would anyone-” she turned back to the judge, “why would anyone just outright kill their own stepfather?! It doesn’t make any

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