
Before I Become a Pediatric Nurse

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Bryanna Robinson Ms. McNutt Intermediate Composition 1st hour 1 May 2013 The Pathway to the Future When I was a little girl, I would pretend that I was a nurse or even a doctor. I treated my teddy bears as if they were my patients from the doctor’s office, I would bandage up their broken legs and make sure they were not sick. When my mom was getting sick, I was helping my sister take care of our mother. Then, I started to take care of my mom by myself, because my sister had to do a lot of runs. Every day I came home from school, I would go and make sure my mom was okay. I would make sure she is taking her medications and even make sure she walks regularly. My mom was getting sicker and sicker, I didn’t know what to do, and my …show more content…

Nurses are exposed to the most dangerous diseases, harmful and hazardous drugs. This is why they tell nurses to read carefully through the basic guidelines. I came across the important qualities as a nurse. There are several things they need: critical-thinking skills, compassion, detail oriented, emotional, organizational skills, patience, and speaking skills. The median annual wage of registered nurses was $64,690 in May 2010. That’s enough to buy a house or even a brand new car. The median wage at which half of the workers in a nursing earned more than that amount and half earned less. The lowest 10% earned less than $44,190 and the top 10% earned more than $95,130. Let’s look over the job outlook. Employment of registered nurses is expected to grow 26% between 2010 and 2020, faster than the average for all occupations. The financial pressure on hospitals to discharge patients as soon as possible will mean that more people will be admitted to extended and long-term care facilities, then it will also be more need for home healthcare. Now that means more back problems and even more injuries for nurses. RNs who would like to advance their careers and obtain additional credentials and skills can take advantage of voluntary credentialing from the American Nurses Credentialing Center, which also provides a wealth of continuing education opportunities, or the National League for Nursing. I might do this before moving on in the

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