
Before The Norman Conquest, The Administration Of Justice

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Before the Norman conquest, the administration of Justice was integrally given to local courts accordingly to local customs. There was no idea of centralisation. The situation changed when William the Conqueror gained the throne in 1066, because he set up the Curia Regis based in Westminster with judges approved by the King. In 1156, ‘itinerant Royal justices’ was created, so that judges appointed by the King can dispense justice in his name in the whole country. The King didn’t abolish the former system, but created another one. People could choose the system they would be judged by. There was a preference for the royal court. These itinerant judges gradually elaborated a common uniform jurisprudence in the whole England. Common …show more content…

Parliament is sovereign, therefore the law it makes prevail on any other source.
We will focus the working of statutory interpretation (A), then look if it’s regulated by the law (B) and scrutinized rules of interpretation (C).

A) The operation of statutory interpretation

Statutory interpretation deals with Statute law. Indeed an interpretation may be required when there is an ambiguity or if there is an error made by Parliament. Rolle of judges is to ascertain the intention of Parliament. The intention of Parliament is a delicate concept for representing the majority option of Member of Parliament how is representative for the United Kingdom citizens.

For all Parliament is the legislator, Courts must apply legislation through the discretion of judges. However lawyers and barristers may also interpret the statutes to convince the judges.
Courts have several roles. There is a dichotomy between statuary interpretation and statutory construction. The first one is « the provision of meaning to the words in a statute by a court » and the second one is « the resolution of ambiguities or uncertainties in a statue ».

B) Is statutory interpretation binding of any kind of rule of law ?

Statutory interpretation is mandatory for judges, only the way of interpretation is not mandatory.
Parliament has given the courts some sources of guidance on statutory interpretation.
The interpretation Act 1978 provides certain standard definitions of

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