
Being A City Storm Water Foreman For Volusia County

Decent Essays

Here we go again! Its hurricane season in Florida and the local news is reporting a voluntary evacuation for Volusia County. My cell phone rings, I’ve been called in. I run through the house stuffing extra pairs of work clothes into my backpack. I kiss my wife and kids goodbye and over my shoulder I yell, “I’m not sure what day I will get to come home.” My wife sighs for she knows all too well that she’s in charge of the home front. While at times my career can be tough on my family, it’s what I know, what I love and what I choose to do. When the citizens of Volusia County race to evacuate the area, I move in to protect it.
I have been working as a city storm water foreman for thirteen years and I am happy to say that I have generally …show more content…

My family is very important to me, which is why I really want to end up in a long-term career that has a good work-life balance. Mr. Walker told me that he manages about twenty-nine employees and, unless it is a peak time or an emergency, his work hours are Monday through Friday from 7:30am to 4:30pm with a one-hour lunch (Walker). This information was very appealing to me. Stress is also an important factor to consider since stress can make your job less enjoyable as well as affect how you respond to your family. Mr. Walker explained to me that his stress level is very low, but can obviously peak in extreme weather conditions such as flooding or hurricanes (Walker). Mr. Walker went on to explain that when you’re in charge of storm water the entire city looks upon you to correct any issues that may occur, to keep them safe as well as they evaluate the proactive work that you have completed throughout the year (Walker). Jokingly Mr. Walker stated, “People are not too forgiving five days after a hurricane when their car is still underwater and their dog floats by (Walker).” I understand what Mr. Walker is getting at, it’s the overall duty of the storm water division manager to make sure that all pumps are set up and working, as well as that there is a plan in place to

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