
Being A Mom Is So Funny

Satisfactory Essays

Being a mom is so funny. It’s funny and ironic. Its lots of things, but in my most humble opinion (thus far), funny and ironic are the most accurate adjectives for motherhood. I always saw my mother, and lots of other women, doing the most awkward things in public. I don’t know, I may be slightly exaggerating but I vowed to myself at a very young age to never be THAT lady. You know what I’m talking about – the lady that is not put together in any way, shape or form. The one with a baby on both hips, awful hair, and is in dire need of a nap. Yes I said it. You need a NAP, lady! She’s the lady that got 4 extra shots of espresso in her coffee this morning. She has 2 pacifiers, a bottle and a baby sock in her purse. She’s a mommy, and she had no idea that this was just a small fraction of motherhood. She may look a hot mess. Hey, quite frankly, she may BE a hot mess. She is a mommy though, and chances are, she’s kicking some serious booty at it. Here are 20 things you wouldn’t understand unless you are in fact, THAT lady. A mommy. 1. Going out in public without a bra is not for attention or to look hot. It is solely because you either A. Forgot (totes normal – motherhood is a busy, busy thing!) or B. Don’t have any clean. Also normal. 2. Your $300 purse may be the cutest, most expensive thing you own, but it will NEVER compare to the diaper bag. Ever. 3. Speaking of purses, if you find a dirty diaper, bib, bottle or pacifier in there from time to

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