
Being A Registered Nurse Essay

Decent Essays

KaDo Registered Nurses save lives? Yes. A Registered Nurse does a lot for their patients. A Registered Nurse maycan also be in the Navy. The first aspects of nursing was recorded in 300 A.D. in the Roman Empire. People think that being a Registered Nurse is easy but really it is difficult. To become a Registered Nurse one must go through a lot of schooling and extensive stress to prepare them to become the best Nurse they can be. The job outlook for a Registered Nurse looks great good. In Fact, the job outlook is projected to grow 15% from 2016 to 2026 (“Registered Nurse”). The salary also looks good, as of May 2017 a Registered Nurse is looking at about $70,000 annually (“Registered Nurse”). That is compared to an EMT & Paramedic at $32,670, a Licensed Practitioner or Vocational Nurse at $44, 090, a Physician'sPhysicians Assistant at $101,480, and a Nurse Practitioner 107,460 (“Learn What You’ll Do and What Traits You Need To Succeed As An RN”). …show more content…

Well, a Registered Nurse does a lot of different tasks including, coordinate patient care and , monitor patients self management; such as diet and exercise, update and maintain patients’ medical records, provide medication to patients and watch for side effects. Registered Nurses also prep patients for exams, and work with a medical team to best care for patients (“Learn What You’ll Do and What Traits You Need To Succeed As An RN”). That is just a few examples of whatthat a Registered Nurse does on a daily basis. Typically, the schedule of a Registered Nurse consists of 3, 12 hour days or 4, 10 hour days (“Learn What You’ll Do and What Traits You Need To Succeed As An

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