
Registered Nursing Research Paper

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Registered nursing is a common and frequently filled position in the medical field. However, you make good money and can advance into better things that have specialization. You work with patients daily and help doctors keep tabs on them. This occupation is growing because the population is growing and everyone needs medical attention some time or another. Registered nurses are the people that you will see the most during a hospital visit. They keep statistics on your vital signs and help you with as much as they can. While working in a hospital they can work with a variety of people from cancer patients to patients after surgery (Registered Nurse). Some skills or qualities that would be helpful to have since you are working with patients all day are communication skills, compassion, and emotional stability (Registered Nurses). While working with patients you get the satisfaction of knowing that you are helping them get better and that you are making a difference in the world one person at a time for a greater purpose. Even though being a registered nurse has the flexibility of an average job it also can be hard on family life due to the work hours. Depending on the type of facility you choose to work will most likely determine your work hours. If you work in certain places where patients require care all around the clock you could be scheduled …show more content…

They have a list of requirements on their website, as do most colleges, that you can look at to see the steps in which you would need to take to become a registered nurse. Some of these class requirements are general chemistry, general biology or zoology, human anatomy, and human physiology (RN). As mentioned before, you can advance to more specialized areas of being a registered nurse, but it requires more classes and schooling. Schooling is a good place to start, but you also need to have an idea of where you would like to go

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