
Being Abused Emotional Analysis

Decent Essays

My Personal Experience in being Abused Emotionally
I was in my last year of secondary school when the teacher embarrassed me in front of my classmates. It was passed for about ten years, but I can still picture it as clear as yesterday, the memories somehow last until now. She was an English teacher, and what she did back then had nothing to do at all with English teaching. At the end of the lesson, she confronted me that I am cocky, arrogant, and has no respect for the elder. She mocked me that I am worthless and should learn how to be polite and courteous. I was shocked, I found myself helpless and busy to think what I did wrong to her.
People might believe that it must be my fault, it was impossible for her to be that mad if I did nothing. …show more content…

Those are what I encountered in the past, this abuse should not be experienced by other students anymore. I, fortunately, can withstand for what happened to me, but for some people, that might affect them for the rest of their life.
Chen and Wei (2010) state that the student who experienced emotional violence will have depression especially for pupils with a low level of peer support. The problem I had back then, was the fact that it is hard to tell someone outside the school (family) about this matter, so I was a lack of support and hard to share the story. My story might be only a little case compare to many cases out there, the actions considered as emotional violence including shout or give the lower grade than deserves truly happen, some of them might occur daily (Adriana et al., 2008: Formuth et al., …show more content…

I found it difficult for me to resolve my emotional conflict, it took a long time for me to find confidence, and it became hard for me to enter the student council in the senior high school since I was afraid of making the same mistake. Any students who had ever abused psychologically must struggle when they continue their education, they will always be burdened by fears until they can resolve it by themselves. This condition is not health for students, the psychological bully will have a long lasting memory, and give an inconvenience feeling in school. Learning and schooling will be hard when the subjective feeling is not

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