
Being Diagnosed With Bipolar Disorder

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Before being diagnosed with Bipolar Disorder, I believed I was psychic. I would read tarot cards for people, I believed astrology was the best way to understand someone’s personality and anything with “ology” at the end of it was of interest to me.

I read a lot about psychology as well. I noticed a correlation between people who claim to be psychic and people who suffer from mental illness.

The example that stood out most to me was under the mania section of symptoms. Grandiose thoughts. I believed I was spiritually gifted. I believed I had been chosen for some sort of mission that would ultimately change the world for the better. It was ambitious thinking at least.

I did not want to accept this finding. In my mind, spiritually gifted people were being locked up in a white room. Force fed pills that took their gift away. It was all a conspiracy to me.

I spent years believing this. The reason I was suffering was because I was chosen to help the world. It was my cross to bear and eventually I would cross over to the “other side” and become some sort of angel.

Sadly, it would be 30 years before I would receive my wings. Bipolar Disorder.

So, does correlation equal causation in this case? Are people who possess psychic abilities in fact, mentally ill?

Personally, I believe the answer to this question needs to be approached with caution.

Are all psychics psychotic? No. Are there people claiming to be psychic when in fact they are suffering from mental illness? Yes and I

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