
Examples Of Being Morally Justified In Disobeying

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Being Morally Justified in Disobeying Laws We Consider to be Immoral

The answer to this question depends very much on our understanding and opinion on the status of the law. On this issue it is likely that everyone falls into one of two broad categories. People falling into the first of these categories would be those who consider that through social contract we are obliged to obey the law, whatever the law states and regardless of our opinion on the moral status of that law and that we are morally obliged to operate within the law. Furthermore by this way of thinking we can conclude that if the law binds us over to commit, what we consider to be an immoral act then we must be exempt from guilt as our morality dictates that we should …show more content…

The fear of punishment is an example of one such mechanism: the consequence of committing a given crime out weighs the benefit and as such deters us from committing that crime. Within the realm of our own morality conscience can be seen perform this role, just ac if we contravene laws we must live with punishment, if we break our own morality we must live with our conscience. All of this is fine until a situation arises where our morality clashes with the law, and at that time we are faced with a stark choice, a choice between the punishment meted out by the state for infringement of the law and the punishment delivered by our own psyche - a straight choice between consequence and conscience. In fact in this situation the more relevant question might be are we ever justified in obeying laws which we consider to be immoral. Of course at some point the burden of the constitutional punishment is likely to become greater than the burden of conscience and we will find ourselves living with the burden of conscience. Another argument for moral justification in breaking immoral laws can be extrapolated from J. Rawls' "Theory of Civil Disobedience". Rawls outlines circumstances in which we may be considered to be constitutionally justified in breaking laws, which we consider to be unjust and ergo immoral. In fact Rawls goes as far as to suggest that we can even be justified

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