
Being Mortal Atul Gawande Character Analysis

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On the topic of Atul Gawande’s novel Being Mortal: Medicine and What Matters in the End, an ongoing issue has brought into question what we should do with the elderly and ill that are in need of care. On the one hand, some argue that we should put them in nursing homes and help them seek treatment for their problems because they can no longer take care of themselves. From this perspective, if not taken care of properly, the elderly have a greater chance of being injured. On the other hand, however, others argue that we should allow the elderly to live on their own as long as they maintain a healthy lifestyle. Atul Gawande, one of this view’s main proponents, urges us to realize that no one is immortal and cannot outrun death, but the journey …show more content…

The man had the choice of undergoing a surgery that could potentially worsen and shorten his life. Still, the man took the chance. Gawande believed that he had chosen badly, because though he and the doctors discussed the dangers of the surgery, the reality of his condition went unsaid. The doctors avoided talking about his disease, even when they knew they couldn’t cure him. In Maslin’s review, she claims that “he and his fellow students cared about acquiring knowledge and competence. They did not see morality as part of the medical equation.” What Maslin means is that doctors, rather medical students, care about science and finding cures more than the person they are treating. Not only are people’s lives at stake, but their sense of freedom of living their lives the way they want to. Doctors are just now beginning to realize that their patients are human. Meaning that if someone dies, their family will resent the doctor because they feel like all doctors care about is the next treatment and what the next course of action is. I believe that a patient should know exactly what they are getting into, even if it is bad. And if we cannot help them, then we should set up a comfortable life for them until they pass on. This means accommodating them for what they desire, and if being left alone is their desire, then so be …show more content…

It is not enough to simply say that we know that we are causing older people pain and suffering, but to take action against it. Gawande states that “for human beings, life is meaningful because it is a story. A story has a sense of a whole, and its arc is determined by the significant moments, the ones where something happens” (238). We should make the most of what we have. What makes life meaningful is our own story and how we decide to lead it. There will be no significant moments, if we can’t allow one to live the way they please. Doctors should also worry about what state a patient is in mentally, because in order for them to get better, they need to feel alive. What I mean by this is that someone could be quite healthy in medical terms, yet they could feel hollow inside which makes them feel as if they are not living. Personally, I would not want to be thrown into some home where everything is foreign to me. I can only imagine how it must feel to have someone tell me that I couldn’t make my own decisions anymore. Not only this, but many of these older people’s spouses have died, and they may feel closer to them when they are in their own home. Being stripped of something they love simply because it is for their well-being is not right. There are definitely other ways to solve this problem, such as having a nurse come to a person’s house, or

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